
International Coastal Buoys Network Workshop : "From the Buoy to the data"

The COCAS and Coast-HF coastal buoy networks propose a common workshop, whose objective is to compare and promote the experiences acquired by participants, and to share approaches to measurement systems, data quality-control, accessibility, scientific analyses and societal use of the data.

The expected results are:

• a strengthening of the sustainability of these networks through better knowledge of the diversity of challenges and solutions involved in observation in coastal waters

• The initiation of a convergence of approaches between Europe, Africa and Latin-America, motivated by technological and scientific challenges, as well as the large scales of climate change and its impacts.

• A consensus on the outlines of a proposal, for the next Horizon Europe funding program, intended for partners in the South and North, complementary to the european program JERICO S3.

Organizing commitee : Diana Ruiz-Pino, François Schmitt, Alban Lazar and Guillaume Charria

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