
Coastal air-sea buoys: from buoy to data. Workshop    
23 & 24 Novembre 2020, virtual    
CET duration title participant institution
DAY 1        
13:00 0:15 Welcoming, virtual tea-coffee & unformal chat between participants    
13:15 0:10 Workshop introduction A. Lazar, D. Ruiz-Pino LOCEAN-SU, France
13:25 0:20 Presentation of COCA & COAST-HF   LOCEAN-SU, France
13:25 0:10 the COCA network D. Ruiz-Pino, A. Lazar  LOCEAN-SU, IFREMER, France
13:35 0:10 the COAST-HF network G. Charria  LOCEAN-SU, IFREMER, France
13:45 1:30 Synthetical views of some ongoing projects Chair: A. Lazar   
13:45 0:15 ESTOC Observatory A. Cianca ESTOC-PLOCAN, Spain
14:00 0:15 Coastal observations in EuskOOS, SE Bay of Biscay J. Mader AZTI, Spain
14:15 0:15 Coastal buoys along Brazil coast C. Garcia FURG, Brazil
14:30 0:15 Lessons from a coastal buoy off south-central Chile R. Garraud UC, Chile
14:45 0:30 Questions & discussion, virtual coffee-tea Chairs: A. Lazar & C. Ricaurte  
15:15 0:30 Technics of mooring  Chair: G. Charria  
15:15 0:10 EOL buoy, Villefranche/Mer J. M. Grisoni LOV-CNRS, France
15:25 0:10 MOBILIS low Cost buoys S. Benouda MOBILIS, France
15:35 0:10 MOLIT buoy, Brittany M. Repecaud RDT-IFREMER, France
15:45 0:20 Technics of sensors I. Physics Chairs: G. Charria & A. Osorio  
15:45 0:10 Coastal Physical Sensors Y. Degrés  NKE Enterprise, France
15:55 0:10 Coastal Currents:10 years at the MESURHO Station I. Pairaud IFREMER, France
16:05 0:20 Question & discussion Chairs: G. Charria, A. Osorio  
16:25 0:40 Technics of sensors II. Biogeochemistry Chairs: E. Machu & F. Geißler   
16:25 0:15 Improvements in UV Nitrate Sensor measurements E. Achterberg GEOMAR, Germany
16:40 0:10 In situ calibration approaches for biogeochemical sensors F. Geißler  GEOMAR, Germany
16:50 0:15 Primary Productivity and Nutrients in the Bay of Seine P. Claquin BOREA-UCN, France
17:05 0:20 California coastal buoys (highlight) U. Send SIO, USA
17:25 0:25 Question & discussion during snack break Chairs: E. Machu & F. D'Artigas  
17:50 1:15 Break out sessions    
  1:15 Biogeochemical sensors Chairs: E. Machu & F. Geißler   
  1:15 Mooring and physical sensors  Chairs: G. Charria & A. Osorio  
19:05 0:30 Virtual ice-breaker aperitivo (prepare you own relaxing glass), unformal chats    
DAY 2      
13:00 0:40 Technics of sensors deployment III. Biology Chairs : A. Lefebvre & P. Zapata   
13:00 0:10 Automated monotoring of phytoplankton : advantages and challenges F. Artigas LOG-ULCO
13:10 0:10 Use of machine learning to (semi-)automatically plankton samples and  digital image analysis P. Grosjean Université de Mons 
13:20 0:10 Platforms and sensors to monitor phytoplankton events in the Baltic Sea J. Seppälä  SYKE,  Finland 
13:30 0:10 Monitoring phytoplankton at the single-cell level : a flow cytometer in the Gulf of Naples A. Louchart  LOG-IFREMER, France
13:40 0:20 Questions & discussion during coffee Chairs : A. Lefebvre & P. Zapata   
14:00 0:20 Academic research  Chairs : D. Ruiz Pino & F. Schmitt  
14:00 0:10 Statistical analysis methods Schmitt, F LOG-CNRS, France
14:10 0:10 High Variability of Oxygen at MELAX (Senegal Buoy) Machu, E. LOPS-IRD, France-Senegal
14:20 0:45 Five minutes presentations  Chairs: D. Ruiz Pino & F. Schmitt  
14:20 0:05 Acquisition project of a meteo-ocean buoy off the togolese coast E. Panassa University of Kara, Togo
14:25 0:05 Reloncaví marine observatory (OMARE) in Patagonian fjord. I. Perez-Santos Centro i-mar, Chili
14:30 0:05 INVEMAR Meteo-marine system C. Ricaurte-Villota INVEMAR, Colombia
14:35 0:05 Coastal Patagonian productive shelf  buoys project A.P. Osiroff Hydrografia Naval, Argentina
14:40 0:05 Why an oceanography buoy deployment in front of La Guajira, Colombia? G. Bernal Universidad Nacional, Colombia
14:45 0:05 Climate-induced changes in extreme events: A focus on winter salinity in the Bay of Brest C. Poppeschi  IFREMER, France
14:50 0:05 Seasonal and inter-annual ONSET Sea Surface Temperature variability, northern coast of Guinea Gulf Z. Sohou IRHOB, Benin
14:55 0:05 Naples elastic beacon and NEREA Augmented Osbervatory + Introduction to AtlantEco R. Casotti Observatorio Biologico Napoly, Italia
15:00 0:05 Sustainable development and collaboration south-South: capabilities in Caribbean fisher communities L. Barrios Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
15:05 0:05 Hypoxic bottom waters as a carbon source to atmosphere during a typhoon passage over the East China Sea, a buoy time series study L. Dewang SIO, China
15:05 0:30 Questions & discussion during tea time Chairs: D. Ruiz Pino & F. Schmitt  
15:35 0:45 Societal services L. Barrios & T. Brochier  
15:35 0:10 Artisanal fisheries management and coastal buoys T. Brochier UMMISCO-IRD, France-Senegal 
15:45 0:15 Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) M. Visbeck  U.N. / GEOMAR, Germany
16:00 0:10 French coastal observations: users and services  G. Charria  IFREMER, France
16:10 0:10 Filling the gap between local and oceanographic knowledges in coastal areas management T. Dahou PALOC-IRD, France-Maroc
16:20 0:45 International programs and networks J. Mader & A. Lazar  
16:20 0:15  JERICO research infrastructure L. Delauney & I. Puillat IFREMER, France
16:35 0:15 LAOCA-GOA-ON Acidification Network C. Berghoff & C. A. Vargas Universidad de Concepcion, Chile
16:50 0:15 SCOR Activities M.-A. Sicre SCOR / LOCEAN-CNRS, France
17:05 0:30 Questions & discussion during snack break L. Barrios & T. Brochier  
17:35 1:15 Break-out sessions    
  1:15 Biological sensors Chairs: A. Lefebre & P. Zapata   
  1:15 How to foster societal services development ? Chairs: T. Brochier & L. Barrios  
18:50 0:40 results of the 4 break-out sessions respective chairs  
19:30 0:10 General conclusion, virtual diner  organizing team  
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